Mastering Time and Space Complexity: Demystifying Notations and Bounds

Ayushmaan Srivastav
4 min readOct 4, 2023



Hello fellow learners! Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the fascinating world of time and space complexity. These concepts are crucial for every aspiring programmer and computer scientist to grasp. But don’t worry; we’re going to explain them in simple terms, and we’ll also demystify those notations and upper and lower bounds that might have seemed intimidating at first.

Title: Mastering Time and Space Complexity: Demystifying Notations and Bounds


Hello fellow learners! Today, we’re taking a deep dive into the fascinating world of time and space complexity. These concepts are crucial for every aspiring programmer and computer scientist to grasp. But don’t worry; we’re going to explain them in simple terms, and we’ll also demystify those notations and upper and lower bounds that might have seemed intimidating at first.

Understanding Time Complexity

Time complexity is all about figuring out how long it takes for a computer program to run as its input size grows. We use Big O notation to describe it, which looks like this: O(f(n)), where ’n’ represents the size of the input, and ‘f(n)’ is a function that tells us how the running time grows concerning ‘n’.

  1. Constant Time (O(1)): This is the best-case scenario. It means that, no matter how large your input is, the time it takes to run your code stays the same. It’s like a recipe that takes the same amount of time to make regardless of how many sandwiches you’re making.
  2. Linear Time (O(n)): If the time it takes to run your code grows directly with the size of the input, it’s called linear time complexity. It’s like reading a book from start to finish, where ’n’ is the number of pages.
  3. Quadratic Time (O(n²)): In this case, the time grows with the square of the input size. Imagine having to compare each person’s phone number in a list with every other person’s phone number. It gets slower as the list gets longer.
  4. Logarithmic Time (O(log n)): Logarithmic time complexity means that as the input grows, the running time increases, but not as fast as linearly. It’s like dividing a phone book in half repeatedly to find a name, which is way faster than checking each name one by one.

Understanding Space Complexity

Space complexity is all about figuring out how much memory a program needs to run efficiently as its input size grows. Like time complexity, we also use Big O notation for this, but we look at how memory usage grows concerning ‘n’.

  1. Constant Space (O(1)): This is the best-case scenario for space complexity. It means that, no matter how large your input is, your program uses the same amount of memory. It’s like using the same cutting board and knife to make any number of sandwiches.
  2. Linear Space (O(n)): In this case, the memory usage grows linearly with the input size. If you’re storing phone numbers in a list, and each number takes up space, the memory usage grows as you add more numbers.
  3. Quadratic Space (O(n²)): Similar to time complexity, if your program’s memory usage grows with the square of the input size, it’s called quadratic space complexity. Imagine creating a matrix to compare every person’s phone number with every other person’s.

Demystifying Upper and Lower Bounds

Now, let’s talk about upper and lower bounds. These help us describe the best and worst-case scenarios for our algorithms.

  1. Upper Bound (O-notation): The upper bound notation (Big O) gives us the maximum amount of time or space an algorithm will use. It tells us the worst-case scenario. For example, if we say an algorithm is O(n²), we’re saying that it won’t take more time or space than n², even in the worst-case scenario.
  2. Lower Bound (Ω-notation): The lower bound notation (Big Omega) gives us the minimum amount of time or space an algorithm will use. It tells us the best-case scenario. If an algorithm is Ω(n), it means it will take at least linear time or space, even in the best-case scenario.
  3. Tight Bound (Θ-notation): Sometimes, we want to describe both the upper and lower bounds together. That’s where Θ-notation comes in. If an algorithm is Θ(n), it means it’s both the best and worst-case scenario, and the growth rate is exactly linear.


Congratulations! You’ve now conquered the basics of time and space complexity, along with those notations and upper and lower bounds. These concepts are essential for writing efficient code, and they’ll serve as your trusty guides as you continue your journey into the world of computer science and programming. So, keep practicing, keep learning, and soon, you’ll be a master of optimizing your code for time and space efficiency.



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